1.lunatic cop shoots 13 shots at suspect for getting out his car to quick (suspect dies).
2.spanish storm trooper beats 13 yrs girl.
3.canadian pig kicks victims in the head for doing his job and not even resisting arrest.
4.connecticut pigs beat supect when he`s on the ground.
5.doctor assaulted by canadian pig and lies in his deposition saying the doctor assulted him.
6.domestic terrorist pigs beat down victim having a diabetic seizure.
7.moron cop shoots family dog and then files a ticket because owner went to talk to media.
8.lunatic cop threatens to shoot civilian who`s open carrying a legaly owned fire arm.
9.ontario state trooper beat down citizen for no apparent reason.
10.lunatic pig beat and choke holds 15 yr girl for nothing.
11.domestic terrorist pigs makes a home invasion and shoot victim 15 times.
12.rent a cop retard arrest and threaten to taze teens for encouraging their basketball team.


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